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Friday, January 17, 2025

Dr. Eiderzen's Books

The Ambiance of Victoria
January 9, 2015

Critical Analysis Toward Nordic Deity and Aryan Entity
April 11, 2011

Application of Thought and Reality
May 7, 2010

The Metaphysics of the Model
November 25, 2009


Part Three

"God, Nation/Family, Honor, and Life"


Doug Eiderzen, December 23, 2024

(Discussion Number 72)

Psalm 90:2 `Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.`

Amos 5:8, `Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord is his name:`

John 1:1-4, `In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.`

Once more, when relevant in discussions, I will be quoting the Holy Scripture of God`s Word in the Bible (KJV). I will, many times, reference: II Timothy 3:16 `All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness` (Opinion: which states that all Biblical Scripture is inspired and given by the Holy Spirit of God) and Proverbs 30:5 `Every word of God is pure`: (Opinion: That is, the Old Testament and the New Testament will be the Holy Word of God provided by God`s Holy Spirit to have given guidance and salvation to all people [past, present, and future]; all Scripture is the unequivocal, irrevocable, and inerrant and inspired Word of God).

`First Americans places stone age Europeans in America 20,000 years ago.` (https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/nation-world/2012/03/04/radical-theory-first-americans-places)

When a person reads through the above article, one of the standout features is that any archeologist, who might support the above theory or even study it, will have his or her career ruined or, at least, put in jeopardy. So, we certainly can neither support nor openly research such a premise even if it may be true. This shows that freedom of thought must be politically correct for such a thought to be considered; this is, yet, another fine example of the hypocrisy of the so-called free press and the, supposedly, free open thinking at university level (the anti-white/anti-European American/anti-European system of negatively approaching any issue concerning whites).

With the results of the recent presidential election, I guess God thinks that America is worth saving. Although, with Mr. Biden giving the go ahead for the Ukraine to strike deep inside of Russia with United States supplied weapons and missile weaponry (Army Tactical Missile System), we may all be at war before January 20, 2025 ever arrives. I will provide some examples of how nations at war resent other nations supplying the enemy: In 1939 with Great Britain and France declaring war upon Germany, Germany attacked ships delivering supplies and weaponry to England and France; later America delivered war materials and other supplies to the communist USSR; Israel recently attacked Iran for its involvement of supplying weapons to the Hezbollah group in Lebanon and for firing missiles at Israel. The point being is that nations often, and rather than not, attack other nations for supplying weapons and other essentials to their enemy.

Mr. Trump cannot do miracles and with the last four years of Mr. Biden, truly, there is only so much that can be done. However, we shall see what Mr. Trump might do to improve the country. Personally, I would like to see the designation of `white` changed to `European American.`

There are some things that an individual must have within his or her being to function in a normal state and to keep going and have an existence of some meaning. Dear reader we will discuss a few of these items. As well, in the last discussion, I listed some 21 items which I would think might be necessary to move the country in an acceptable correct direction (my opinion) and I stated that we would talk about one of these items. Personally, I have always liked the idea of a Godly Christian, nationalistic, patriotic mostly European American nation state with strict borders; furthermore, from what I have read and researched, I believe this was exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they established the nation. Therefore, dear reader let us proceed and discuss some of these needs or issues which a person should have within his or her individual being to operate or behave in a habitual environment to achieve worth (and, again, this is my opinion).

For any individual, regardless of age, the issues of life do change and living adjusts when a person has boundaries and those boundaries are backed up with real consequences of enforcement; unfortunately, however, when there are no boundaries, life is chaotic and anarchic. Each day is a repeated collapse of values and standards with a reign or atmosphere of nihilism, itself, abounding. I believe the three items listed below are very important for a person to develop (the issue of our disciplines of life in comparison to our disciplines of function [Suggestion: reading or rereading of Discussion Number 7]). I also believe the items listed below are tied together and in close relation or proximity to each other: God has a plan for all of our lives and we are all gifted in one way or another.

Belonging: A person must have or experience a belonging. In theory, I believe this begins at birth and should move throughout one`s life. This belonging is experienced within the title of this work and discussion, `God, Nation/Family, Honor, and Life.` By honor I mean or refer to an honor to loyalty and by life I mean or refer to a power of the will and discipline of the will: both of these concepts may be found in the Temporal (worldly, secular, govt., etc.) and spiritual (religious or the church and the belief in God). All of what is referred to is provided and given by God the Father within his Holy Spirit and Word leading to our belief in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Remember, if a person does not believe in God, he or she will believe in something.

Now, dear reader, stay with me on what is presented next. Something will always replace the void of the non-belief in God. Whether it is atheism or being an agnostic or nihilism or existentialism or the belief in the `big bang` theory or the belief in a false religion or false philosophies, etc…something will always come into or fill the void or vacuum of a belief in nothing and of a non-belief in God the Father through His son the Lord Jesus Christ. It is written in Mathew 12:43-44-45, as Jesus Christ states, `When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.`

Confidence: A person must have or experience confidence. From our standpoint, this is the situation of being able to make decisions for some type of self-assurance of betterment toward a certain state of affairs or an improvement toward achieving a goal. This confidence comes from the experience of living life. It is an issue of self-reliance and conviction filled by/within assurance. I believe that confidence comes from an individual realizing what goals he or she might be able to reasonably attain and the experience of success in achieving those goals.

Worth: A person must have or experience worth. That is the value of actually being considered necessary and the idea of needing some form of respect or recognition. A person must feel that his or her assigned tasks are valued and/or merits some form of respect and need; a person`s need to have and retain a meaning of usefulness.

As reflected above, when a person has lost all hope in achieving the above gratifications then a breakdown of the `self` begins to take place. A good example of the failure of the above would be the issue of homelessness or some people so out of it that they appear as zombies in large cities like Philadelphia. Much of this can be attributed to no discipline or, the use of illegal drugs, no place to go, no family or a family that has, understandably, given up on such a person, no belonging, no confidence, no worth, no faith, no belief, etc. These situations should be completely cleaned up. So, how difficult would it be to correct the `Zombie` situation and the issue of homelessness and of illegal drugs, illegal immigration, sex trafficking and missing and exploited people, etc? In my opinion, the correction would be quite easy. This may be compared to the issue of the Second Amendment and shootings. I have stated in the past, the situation of firearms and tragic shootings would be so easy to correct without any interference into or with the Second Amendment. But the powers that be down through the years (the Marxist Democrats and the RINOs) have really not wanted to correct tragic shootings as much as to interfere with the people`s rights to keep and bear arms and take away the Second Amendment; this creates a defenseless population or citizenry which is always easier to control and tell how to believe and what to think (e.g., the British person/subject).

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Second Amendment: A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. Take a look at all the restrictions the Marxist Democrats and their traitorous `Blue` states and cities put on the 2nd Amendment (e.g., California, Oregon, Washington, New York/New York City, Massachusetts/Boston, Washington DC, etc.). So, what if we put the same type restrictions on the First Amendment or any of the other Amendments for that matter?

Depending on the reference searched the word `Nation` is used or referred to over 1,800 times in the Holy Bible (Look up the definition of nation and look up the definition of empire and I believe a person will see where our America, at present, fits and falls). I stated in the last discussion that I needed to explain the statement of, `The country should identify and deal with all people who have come here illegally.` It was also stated that we need to be very careful here and be diligent toward this situation and solution. Now, I will explain my thoughts and where I am coming from in this posting. Readily, the issue of not enforcing our borders has just about worn out our country with expense and crime. Dear reader what is said may not be popular, however, follow with me on this and listen to me and we both may understand these circumstances and the overall concept better. Furthermore, I will address this situation as I believe it relates to the racial character of our nation. Haggai 2:14, `Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean (God, through the prophet Haggai, is talking to the nation of Israel).` We have so polluted America with impurity and filthiness (Open society of immorality, wickedness, corruption, decadence, depravity, self-indulgence, racial mixing, not enforcing laws, etc.) that it is difficult to wonder, in many ways, just what is worth saving and what is not. Jeremiah 50:37, `A sword is against all the mingled people of Babylon.` My main example would be the West Coast or New York City (great bastions of Marxism and liberalism), however, this whole distortion is found everywhere in the country. We, as European Americans can and should help people that are less fortunate, and we can do this shrewdly with the people staying in their own nations; we can do such without diluting our own nation of its European racial character and Western values. However, now that some 15 to 20 million illegal people have invaded through the inept leadership of Mr. Biden, just what is to be done? Referring to the issue of being careful on some blanket deportation (which is not going to happen anyway), we should be very aware of and look after and take care of the strangers, the widows and the orphans. This is God`s command, Deuteronomy 10:18 `He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment.` Thus, we are to see to the good or betterment of the aforementioned people. It is throughout and within the Word of God to protect the strangers/foreigners, the widows, and the orphans. Remember our discussions of we cannot pick and choose the Holy Scriptures that only appeal to us or that we like. However, do not misread my statement or intent in this situation. I am not saying that these people who have come here illegally should remain in the country. I am simply quoting God`s Holy Word that we should take care of them in some way. Dear reader that does not mean that they stay illegally in our country. We either believe in God and His Holy Word or we do not. The above is what is meant by being very careful in dealing with all people; this is rendering to God the things that are God`s and obeying the Lord God`s Holy Word. Remember, Mark 12:17, `And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar`s, and to God the things that are God`s. And they marveled at him.` At this time, dear reader, hear what I will say on the rest of this and follow with me. If we, truly, believe in the Lord God and his Holy Word and the guidance of His Holy Spirit, then, we have to study what he is saying to us and commanding us to do. If we do this to the best of our ability, He will bless us individually and, as well, as a nation.

Again, let us read Mark 12:17, `And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar`s, and to God the things that are God`s. And they marveled at him.` Dear reader, the enforcing of the border and the obeying the law, the rules, the regulations, etc. fall into Caesar`s realm (i.e., our government`s authority to the enforcement of laws [which, in my opinion, the govt. has failed miserably in doing with this situation needing to be heartily corrected]). Think about this, why should we the people obey the laws when the government, itself, will not obey its own laws?

Dear reader, look into Elisha addressing the King of Israel in II Kings 6:22, `And he answered, Thou shalt not smite them: wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive with thy sword and with thy bow? set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink, and go to their master.` Those people were taken care of, treated fairly, and returned to their own land. It was commanded that he (the king of Israel) send the Syrians back to their home. The Syrians did not belong in the Nation of Israel as many foreigners and strangers do not belong in the United States of America.

Dear reader most of us are not a Job or a Noah or a Moses or a John the Baptist or the Apostle Paul. None of us are perfect or sinless and, sadly, many of us just do not have that the fullness of faith that we need; although, we should keep trying to develop our faith. None, of us, will be perfect and this certainly includes the Christian. But what we do have is eternal life with the belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In reality, the Christmas celebration of and the belief in the birth of Jesus Christ leads us directly toward Easter and the death, the burial, and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Part Three of our discussion, `God, Nation/Family, Honor, and Life` will be the final installment. I simply moved further along than I thought I would on this discussion. In closing:

Zachariah 7:9-10: ` Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Execute true judgment, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother: And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart.`

At this festive time of the year, may you and yours be blessed to have a happy holiday season, a very Merry Christmas, and a safe, enjoyable New Year.

And so, as Tiny Tim so eloquently stated, `And, God Bless us all, everyone.`


Dr. Eiderzen's Articles


"Variations on a Theme: the Russian/Ukrainian Conflict: A Depressing State of affairs"


Doug Eiderzen, October, 19, 2024

(Repost-Discussion Number 55)

Part Two

"God, Nation/Family, Honor, and Life"


Doug Eiderzen, October 6, 2024

(Discussion Number 71)

Part One

"God, Nation/Family, Honor, and Life"


Doug Eiderzen, August 1, 2024

(Discussion Number 70)

"Propping up the Marxist Character: the Liberal, Leftist Media and Their Opinions,"

Doug Eiderzen, May 15, 2024

(Discussion Number 69)

Part Three

"The Jewish Subject and/or Issue: Reasons for Supporting Israel with Other Related Themes and Subject Matters"


Doug Eiderzen, March 15, 2024

(Discussion Number 68)

Part Two

"The Jewish Subject and/or Issue: Reasons for Supporting Israel with Other Related Themes and Subject Matters"


Doug Eiderzen, January 15, 2024

(Discussion Number 67)

Part One

"The Jewish Subject and/or Issue: Reasons for Supporting Israel and Other Related Themes and Subject Matters"


Doug Eiderzen, November 28, 2023

(Discussion Number 66)

"The Consequences of an Unprotected Border and Other Issues this Day and Age"

Doug Eiderzen, November 4, 2023

(Discussion Number 65)

Part Six

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen, August 30, 2023

(Discussion Number 64)

Part Five

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen, July 18, 2023

(Discussion Number 63)

Part Four

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen, May 28, 2023

(Discussion Number 62)

Part Three

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen, April 26, 2023

(Discussion Number 61)

Part Two

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen March 13, 2023

(Discussion Number 60)

Part One

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen February 9, 2023

(Discussion Number 59)

Thoughts on, "Republican Party `is dead` after major midterm election losses in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada: Hawley."

Doug Eiderzen, November 27, 2022

(Discussion Number 58)

"Over, and Over, and Over...and, then, `Over, and Over, and Over Again, then,..."`

Doug Eiderzen, August 16, 2022

(Discussion Number 57)

"Analysis and Thoughts on Current Happenings"

Doug Eiderzen, June 4, 2022

(Discussion Number 56)

"Variations on a Theme: the Russian/Ukrainian Conflict: A Depressing State of affairs"

Doug Eiderzen, March 4, 2022

(Discussion Number 55)

Dear reader, I do apologize for the length of this discussion, but we had a good amount of information to cover and as the song`s lyrics state, `We had a long way to go and a short time to get there.`

"Protest to a War with Russia"

Doug Eiderzen, February 9, 2022

(Discussion Number 54)

"Thoughts toward the Concepts of a European American/European Nation verses the Worldly Hoard human and the Cosmopolitan Folly Folk/the Herd Mentality"

Doug Eiderzen, December 29, 2021

(Discussion Number 53)

"The Grand Society Given by the Generous and Kind Democrat Party (with some Republicans thrown in for good measure): Coming to Your Neighborhood or a Neighborhood Near You."

Doug Eiderzen, November 21, 2021

(Discussion Number 52)

"Dear White/European American please open your eyes and realize what is happening to you and around you."
Doug Eiderzen, July 31, 2021

(Discussion Number 51- This Discussion will be presented in second person and third person)

"Multiculturalism, the scourge and the undoing of our nation"


Doug Eiderzen, May 20, 2021

(Discussion Number 50)

"And, just think, He has only been in Office for Three Months."

Doug Eiderzen, March 31, 2021

(Discussion Number 49)

Part Three

"The 2020 Election and All That Is Ozymandias"


Doug Eiderzen, February 26, 2021

(Discussion Number 48)

Part Two

"The 2020 Election and All That Is Ozymandias"


Doug Eiderzen, January 28, 2021

(Discussion Number 47)

I would like to recommend and encourage the reader to visit European Americans United website (wvwnews.net) and read John Young`s writing, `Welcome to being a Dissident.`

Part One

"The 2020 Election and All That Is Ozymandias"


Doug Eiderzen, December 26, 2020

(Discussion Number 46)

"Mr. Joe Biden Urges Patience: `We`re Gonna Win This."`

Uncle Joe tells his people to have patience and stay, for by Hook or by Crook the votes are comin` round the mountain and on the way.


Doug Eiderzen, November 4, 2020

(Discussion Number 45)

"The Democrat Party and/or the `Blue Wave"`

Doug Eiderzen, October 20, 2020

(Discussion Number 44)

This bunch of Democrat liberals and their leftist mouthpieces are telling us Mr. Biden has already won the election so, we will believe the situation is hopeless, therefore, we will not get out and vote. Do not buy into this nonsense-Please, get out and vote.

"Today`s Armed Forces, `Be All You Can Be at Being Anti-White/Anti-European American."`

Doug Eiderzen, September 30, 2020

(Discussion Number 43)

Part Three: "The Agenda of `Cultural Marxism` may Slow Down, but It never ever Stops"

Doug Eiderzen, August 31, 2020

(Discussion Number 42)

Part Two: "The Agenda of `Cultural Marxism` may Slow Down, but It never ever Stops"

Doug Eiderzen, July 30, 2020

(Discussion Number 41)

Part One: "The Agenda of `Cultural Marxism` may Slow Down, but It never ever Stops"

Doug Eiderzen, June 30, 2020

(Discussion Number 40)

Part Two

"A Mindset of Leadership: Mission, Position, Responsibility, and Technique"


Doug Eiderzen, May 29, 2020

(Discussion Number 39)

Part One

"A Mindset of Leadership: Mission, Position, Responsibility, and Technique"


Doug Eiderzen, April 24, 2020

(Discussion Number 38)

"GOP senator says China `to blame` for coronavirus spread because of `culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs"`

Nicholas Wu, USA Today, March 19, 2020

"Americans evacuated from Morocco, Peru, as travel bans to block coronavirus strand thousands"

ABC News, March 20, 2020


Doug Eiderzen, March 22, 2020

(Discussion Number 37)

"`The Hunt` writer defends controversial film as Universal sets new release date: `This is not a dangerous movie"`

Taryn Ryder, Yahoo, February 11, 2020

"The Bachelor`s Victoria Fuller Apologizes for `White Lives Matter` Scandal: `Hope I Can Be Shown Grace"`

Claudia Harmata, People, February 15, 2020


Doug Eiderzen, February 23, 2020

(Discussion Number 36)

"`The law is the law`: Virginia Democrats Float Prosecution and National Guard Deployment if Police Don`t Enforce Gun Control."

By Kerry Picket, Washington Examiner


Doug Eiderzen, January 25, 2020

(Discussion Number 35)

"Hallmark Reverses Stance on LGBTQ Zola Ads Under Pressure, Looks to Reinstate Them"

The Wrap, December 15, 2019


Doug Eiderzen, December 15, 2019

(Discussion Number 34)

"A Major Point toward the Building of a Nation and the European American Time-Honored Traditions of Trust, Belief, and Faith"

Doug Eiderzen, November 14, 2019

(Discussion Number 33)

"How does Congress hear from anonymous witnesses? Trump whistleblower seeks protection from retaliation"

By Bart Jansen, USA Today, October 2, 2019

"Peter Wehner Has Damning Theory For Why Trump Supporters Won`t Turn On Him"

HuffPost, by Ed Mazza, 10-14-19


Doug Eiderzen, October 17, 2019

(Discussion Number 32)

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Speaks Directly To White Supremacists In Surprise Appeal" Freshman lawmaker has a message -- and a promise -- for anyone involved in hate groups.

Ed Mazza, HuffPost


Doug Eiderzen, October 3, 2019

(Discussion Number 31)

Part Three

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number Three-Education Part Three


Doug Eiderzen, September 4, 2019

(Discussion Number 30)

Part Three

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number Three-Education Part Two


Doug Eiderzen, August 1, 2019

(Discussion Number 29)

Part Three

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number Three-Education Part One


Doug Eiderzen, July 5, 2019

(Discussion Number 28)

Part Two

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number Two-Application


Doug Eiderzen, June 12, 2019

(Discussion Number 27)

Part One

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number One-Our Leaders


Doug Eiderzen, May 12, 2019

(Discussion Number 26)

"FBI arrests leader of armed group stopping migrants in New Mexico"

By Andrew Hay, Reuters, April 20, 2019

"New Mexico County declares state of emergency over influx of migrants: report"

By Bradford Betz, Fox News

(I would like to highly recommend the resource news of wvwnews.net as this web location is part of the main website of europeanamericansunited.org. In regard to our culture and ethnicity, the European Americans United website is excellent to glean information from. Along with current and past news, the website has some wonderful educational and cultural programs for us.)


Doug Eiderzen, April 22, 2019

(Discussion Number 25)

"House passes broad anti-hate resolution after pressure from Omar allies"

By Christopher Wilson, Yahoo News, March 7, 2019

"House broadens anti-hate bill yet again"

By Lisa Mascaro and Laurie Kellman, Thursday, March 7, 2019

Doug Eiderzen, March 31, 2019

(Discussion Number 24)

"AAF`s reported payroll issues-why Colin Kaepernick was right to balk at league"


Charles Robinson, NFL columnist, Yahoo Sports, Feb 19, 2019

"LeBron James on NFL settlement: `I stand with Kaep"`


Ben Weinrib, Yahoo Sports, Feb 16, 2019

"Hillary Clinton blames gutting of Voting Rights Act for her 2016 loss"


Hunter Walker, White House Correspondent, Yahoo, March 3, 2019


Doug Eiderzen, March 12, 2019

(Discussion Number 23)

To my readers, I would like to highly recommend the resource news of wvwnews.net.

This web location is part of the main website of europeanamericansunited.org. In regard to our culture and ethnicity, the European Americans United website is excellent to glean information from. Along with current and past news, the website has some wonderful educational and cultural programs for us.

"21 Savage `wasn`t hiding` being British, feared deportation"

Associated Press, February 15, 2019


Doug Eiderzen, February 19, 2019

(Discussion Number 22)

"Joe Biden: White America `has to admit there`s still a systemic racism"`

John Verhovek, Good Morning America, January 21, 2019


Doug Eiderzen, February 2, 2019

(Discussion Number 21)

"John Kelly Is Sad Women Are No Longer `Sacred.` Women Are Not That Sad."

Emma Gray, HuffPost, October 19, 2017


Doug Eiderzen, January 15, 2019

(Discussion Number 20)

"To Our People and Our Leaders"

Doug Eiderzen, December 28, 2018

(Discussion Number 19)

"Major Points of Interest and Thoughts to Absorb"

Reference toward Part One and Part Two: "The Traditional Being of Pure Citizenry"


Doug Eiderzen, December 14, 2018

(Discussion Number 18)

"Part Two: The Traditional Being of Pure Citizenry"

Doug Eiderzen, November 24, 2018

(Discussion Number 17)

"Part One: The Traditional Being of Pure Citizenry"

Doug Eiderzen, November 5, 2018

(Discussion Number 16)

"A vote for a Democrat is a vote for..."

Doug Eiderzen, October, 15, 2018

(Discussion Number 15)

"Rep. Steve King touts `Western civilization` while defending incendiary immigration tweet"

By Gabby Kaufman

Yahoo News, March 13, 2017


Doug Eiderzen, October 5, 2018

(Discussion Number 14)

"Variations on a Theme, Disciplines of Life and Euro-Americaneuropeanism."

Doug Eiderzen, September 25, 2018

(Discussion Number 13)

`Don`t Use Mollie` To Push Racism, Says Dad Who Points To `Heartless` Donald Trump Jr.

Mary Papenfuss, HuffPost, September 2, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, September 4, 2018

(Discussion Number 12)

"Laura Ingraham slams `racist freak` and white nationalists after comments spark immigration controversy"

Chris Riotta, The Independent, August 10, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, August 17, 2018

(Discussion Number 11)

"Right-wing websites target New York Times` new writer over what they call `anti-white` tweets."`

Hope Schreiber, Writer, Yahoo Lifestyle, August 2, 2018

"Sarah Jeong: New York Times journalist who tweeted `cancel white people` is victim of `dishonest` trolls, claims former employer."

Jon Sharman, The Independent, August 3, 2018

"NY Times defends hiring reporter who mocked white people in tweets."

Daily Mail, August 2, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, August 5, 2018

(Discussion Number 10)

"`We`re in the midst of an all-out assault on human dignity`: Joe Biden"

Justin Doom, Good Morning America, July 21, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, July 24, 2018

(Discussion Number 9)

"Dershowitz calls out MSNBC host, talks about Martha Vineyard fallout"

By Lukas Mikelionis, Fox News

"Texas teen says he had drink thrown at him at Whataburger because he was wearing pro-Trump hat"

By Greg Norman, Fox News

"`F*** You Melanie`: Kathy Griffin Blasts `Complicit` Melania Trump For Family-Separating Immigration Statement"

By Benjamin Fearnow, Newsweek, June 17, 2018

"Peter Fonda Apologizes for `Highly Inappropriate` Barron Trump Tweet: `I Went Way Too Far"`

Trey Williams, The Wrap, June 20, 2018

"Michelle Wolf Urges People To Heckle Ivanka Trump In A Very Specific Way"

By Ed Mazza, HuffPost, July 1, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, July 10, 2018

(Discussion Number 8)

"European Disciplines of Life and Disciplines of Function"

Doug Eiderzen, June 28, 2018

(Discussion Number 7)

"Robert De Niro throws F-bombs at Trump during Tony Awards"

By Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News

"Parkland High School Students Get Standing Ovation at Tonys After Drama Teacher Honored (Video)"

The Wrap, By Jennifer Maas, June 10, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, June 15, 2018

(Discussion Number 6)

"Starbucks tells employees: Let anyone use the restroom"

Associated Press, May 11, 2018

"Handcuffing of 2 black men in Starbucks in Philadelphia called `reprehensible outcome` by CEO"

By M.L. Nestel, Apr 15, 2018

"Starbucks manager who made call resulting in black men`s arrests no longer works for company"

By Bill Hutchinson and Matthew Stone, Apr 16, 2018

"Howard Schultz says Starbucks manager showed her own `unconscious bias` -- and possibly `racial profiling"`

By Rachel Siegel April 18


Doug Eiderzen, June 7, 2018

(Discussion Number 5)

"A white woman called police on black people barbecuing. This is how the community responded"

CNN, May 22, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, May 28, 2018

(Discussion Number 4)

"Confederate statue toppled at North Carolina rally"

M.L. Mestel, Good Morning America, August 15, 2017

"Durham DA drops all charges in Confederate monument toppling case"

Alfred Charles, Online Managing Editor, February 20, 2018

"Judge Tells Durham GOP Why He Didn`t Convict Protesters Charged with Toppling a Confederate Monument"

Sarah Willets, March 9, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, May 10, 2018

(Discussion Number 3)

"Advertisers Ditching Laura Ingraham`s Show Over Attack On Parkland Survivor"

Hayley Miller, HuffPost, March 29, 2018

"March for Our Lives will `start a revolution,` Parkland school-shooting survivor says" By Mark Osborne, March 24, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, April 28, 2018

(Discussion Number 2)

"Matt Lauer may lose ownership of his farm amid sexual misconduct allegations" by Chelsea Ritschel and "Celebrities react to Matt Lauer`s firing amid sexual misconduct allegations" by Taryn Ryder, Writer, Yahoo Entertainment & Lifestyle
By Doug Eiderzen, April 13, 2018

(Discussion Number 1)

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