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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Dr. Eiderzen's Books

The Ambiance of Victoria
January 9, 2015

Critical Analysis Toward Nordic Deity and Aryan Entity
April 11, 2011

Application of Thought and Reality
May 7, 2010

The Metaphysics of the Model
November 25, 2009


"And, just think, He has only been in Office for Three Months."


Doug Eiderzen, March 31, 2021

(Discussion Number 49)

Dear reader, we continue to have the Democrat Party, and their controlled mouthpieces, crying and moaning about some weaponless, so-called, `insurrection` of January 6, 2021 and at the same time the Biden Administration continues to keep the border wide open to invasion. Neither Mr. Biden nor his handlers have any intention of sending the illegal Aliens, who have invaded our country, back to where they have come from.

So, dear reader, which is worse a Democrat Party and communist main media buildup of the supposed weaponless insurrection or the Democrat Party`s fraudulent elected president not only not protecting the country from invasion, but inviting the invader to march on in:

Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution: `The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion…`

In many photos and news videos, it is young non-white men invading America just like it is young non-white men invading Europe. On both continents, we have traitorous Marxist leaders` inviting the invader to come on in and a Marxist inspired media making whites the villains in their own countries/nations. Nations which were specifically established for the white.

After three months of this fraudulent elected Democrat Party president issues have pretty much followed the course that we predicted in Discussion Number 46 (December 26, 2020):

• The enforcement of the border has ceased to exist with an invasion beginning and continuing. The illegal alien is coming in slews and bunches and in crowded caravans. Once they reach the border, they simply walk on in and stay. They are here for the duration. This illegal invader is here to replace the white/European American and to always vote `blue.` It is unfathomable for a country not to protect its own borders from invasion. The Constitution demands the borders to be protected and enforced from invasion.

• There has been an unending attack on the Second Amendment. None of the gun laws that the Democrat Party wants to implement or pass would have prevented any of the recent crimes committed by the perpetrators. The gun-control Executive Orders, which Mr. Biden wants to do, would have had no influence or affect on the crimes committed by Mr. Robert Aaron Long (Atlanta, Georgia) or Mr. Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa (Boulder, Colorado). So, why implement some useless gun-control law as we only have something like 22,000 such laws on the books. The reason for passing another firearms` law is not so much gun-control oriented as it is initiated for people control. It is a `testing the waters` type situation of let us (Democrat Party) see what we cannot get away with and let us see what the people will take (aka, put up with, how far we can push them). It is the acclimation of our white/European American citizens to the ideology of communism. We must always remember once the govt. does something, that something is here for good and never undone (we have a govt. entity that once it is given an inch takes a mile; this is exactly what the white Founding Fathers were concerned about in establishing America: a huge overreaching conglomerate system involved in everything).

• There has begun an unending attack on the white/European American. While these (attacks on whites) were bad to begin with, the main media attacks on the white European American have increased dramatically under the Biden administration. One main example I can recall is with the recent Capitol attack MSNBC continued to blame the attack on a white male even when other news agencies were reporting that Mr. Noah Green, a black male Muslim, was the perpetrator. This is called the leftist, liberal, communistic spin and slant of the main media news organizations. The main media news organizations are the `Pravda` for the communistic Democrat Party. Almost everyday there is the main media or the Biden administration or the Marxist Democrat Party blaming whites/European Americans for something. A person can visit anyone of the liberal Democrat Party motivated/inspired media outlets such as Yahoo, MSNBC, CNN, etc. and read, in one form or another, a never-ending assault on white America. Furthermore, whether it is being taught to our children or preached to us as a group, etc., the attacks on whites/European Americans will only become worse; the biased, communistic attacks on whites/European Americans are never ceasing from the liberal, leftist Democrat Party and their Marxist inspired news media mouthpieces.

Dear reader, a question a person might want to ask oneself is just who decided that this nation needed to be changed into a multicultural empire? And who decided that the whites in this country needed to be replaced? A good start in answering this question would be to go back and research the `Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965` (who was behind this, who voted for this, who backed this Act, who pushed the Act to be passed, etc.). Dear reader this Act began the `road to ruin` for our nation of American. This Act put into being of where we are today in this country. This Act is illegal in what our white Founding Fathers envisioned for the nation.

And so, again, one should ask himself or herself, just which is worse, some weaponless supposed insurrection or a president, and his Democrat Party, opening the country up to invasion: So, just which is treason?


Dr. Eiderzen's Articles

Part Three

"God, Nation/Family, Honor, and Life"


Doug Eiderzen, December 23, 2024

(Discussion Number 72)


"Variations on a Theme: the Russian/Ukrainian Conflict: A Depressing State of affairs"


Doug Eiderzen, October, 19, 2024

(Repost-Discussion Number 55)

Part Two

"God, Nation/Family, Honor, and Life"


Doug Eiderzen, October 6, 2024

(Discussion Number 71)

Part One

"God, Nation/Family, Honor, and Life"


Doug Eiderzen, August 1, 2024

(Discussion Number 70)

"Propping up the Marxist Character: the Liberal, Leftist Media and Their Opinions,"

Doug Eiderzen, May 15, 2024

(Discussion Number 69)

Part Three

"The Jewish Subject and/or Issue: Reasons for Supporting Israel with Other Related Themes and Subject Matters"


Doug Eiderzen, March 15, 2024

(Discussion Number 68)

Part Two

"The Jewish Subject and/or Issue: Reasons for Supporting Israel with Other Related Themes and Subject Matters"


Doug Eiderzen, January 15, 2024

(Discussion Number 67)

Part One

"The Jewish Subject and/or Issue: Reasons for Supporting Israel and Other Related Themes and Subject Matters"


Doug Eiderzen, November 28, 2023

(Discussion Number 66)

"The Consequences of an Unprotected Border and Other Issues this Day and Age"

Doug Eiderzen, November 4, 2023

(Discussion Number 65)

Part Six

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen, August 30, 2023

(Discussion Number 64)

Part Five

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen, July 18, 2023

(Discussion Number 63)

Part Four

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen, May 28, 2023

(Discussion Number 62)

Part Three

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen, April 26, 2023

(Discussion Number 61)

Part Two

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen March 13, 2023

(Discussion Number 60)

Part One

"Reflection upon a Failed and Doomed Society"


Doug Eiderzen February 9, 2023

(Discussion Number 59)

Thoughts on, "Republican Party `is dead` after major midterm election losses in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada: Hawley."

Doug Eiderzen, November 27, 2022

(Discussion Number 58)

"Over, and Over, and Over...and, then, `Over, and Over, and Over Again, then,..."`

Doug Eiderzen, August 16, 2022

(Discussion Number 57)

"Analysis and Thoughts on Current Happenings"

Doug Eiderzen, June 4, 2022

(Discussion Number 56)

"Variations on a Theme: the Russian/Ukrainian Conflict: A Depressing State of affairs"

Doug Eiderzen, March 4, 2022

(Discussion Number 55)

Dear reader, I do apologize for the length of this discussion, but we had a good amount of information to cover and as the song`s lyrics state, `We had a long way to go and a short time to get there.`

"Protest to a War with Russia"

Doug Eiderzen, February 9, 2022

(Discussion Number 54)

"Thoughts toward the Concepts of a European American/European Nation verses the Worldly Hoard human and the Cosmopolitan Folly Folk/the Herd Mentality"

Doug Eiderzen, December 29, 2021

(Discussion Number 53)

"The Grand Society Given by the Generous and Kind Democrat Party (with some Republicans thrown in for good measure): Coming to Your Neighborhood or a Neighborhood Near You."

Doug Eiderzen, November 21, 2021

(Discussion Number 52)

"Dear White/European American please open your eyes and realize what is happening to you and around you."
Doug Eiderzen, July 31, 2021

(Discussion Number 51- This Discussion will be presented in second person and third person)

"Multiculturalism, the scourge and the undoing of our nation"


Doug Eiderzen, May 20, 2021

(Discussion Number 50)

Part Three

"The 2020 Election and All That Is Ozymandias"


Doug Eiderzen, February 26, 2021

(Discussion Number 48)

Part Two

"The 2020 Election and All That Is Ozymandias"


Doug Eiderzen, January 28, 2021

(Discussion Number 47)

I would like to recommend and encourage the reader to visit European Americans United website (wvwnews.net) and read John Young`s writing, `Welcome to being a Dissident.`

Part One

"The 2020 Election and All That Is Ozymandias"


Doug Eiderzen, December 26, 2020

(Discussion Number 46)

"Mr. Joe Biden Urges Patience: `We`re Gonna Win This."`

Uncle Joe tells his people to have patience and stay, for by Hook or by Crook the votes are comin` round the mountain and on the way.


Doug Eiderzen, November 4, 2020

(Discussion Number 45)

"The Democrat Party and/or the `Blue Wave"`

Doug Eiderzen, October 20, 2020

(Discussion Number 44)

This bunch of Democrat liberals and their leftist mouthpieces are telling us Mr. Biden has already won the election so, we will believe the situation is hopeless, therefore, we will not get out and vote. Do not buy into this nonsense-Please, get out and vote.

"Today`s Armed Forces, `Be All You Can Be at Being Anti-White/Anti-European American."`

Doug Eiderzen, September 30, 2020

(Discussion Number 43)

Part Three: "The Agenda of `Cultural Marxism` may Slow Down, but It never ever Stops"

Doug Eiderzen, August 31, 2020

(Discussion Number 42)

Part Two: "The Agenda of `Cultural Marxism` may Slow Down, but It never ever Stops"

Doug Eiderzen, July 30, 2020

(Discussion Number 41)

Part One: "The Agenda of `Cultural Marxism` may Slow Down, but It never ever Stops"

Doug Eiderzen, June 30, 2020

(Discussion Number 40)

Part Two

"A Mindset of Leadership: Mission, Position, Responsibility, and Technique"


Doug Eiderzen, May 29, 2020

(Discussion Number 39)

Part One

"A Mindset of Leadership: Mission, Position, Responsibility, and Technique"


Doug Eiderzen, April 24, 2020

(Discussion Number 38)

"GOP senator says China `to blame` for coronavirus spread because of `culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs"`

Nicholas Wu, USA Today, March 19, 2020

"Americans evacuated from Morocco, Peru, as travel bans to block coronavirus strand thousands"

ABC News, March 20, 2020


Doug Eiderzen, March 22, 2020

(Discussion Number 37)

"`The Hunt` writer defends controversial film as Universal sets new release date: `This is not a dangerous movie"`

Taryn Ryder, Yahoo, February 11, 2020

"The Bachelor`s Victoria Fuller Apologizes for `White Lives Matter` Scandal: `Hope I Can Be Shown Grace"`

Claudia Harmata, People, February 15, 2020


Doug Eiderzen, February 23, 2020

(Discussion Number 36)

"`The law is the law`: Virginia Democrats Float Prosecution and National Guard Deployment if Police Don`t Enforce Gun Control."

By Kerry Picket, Washington Examiner


Doug Eiderzen, January 25, 2020

(Discussion Number 35)

"Hallmark Reverses Stance on LGBTQ Zola Ads Under Pressure, Looks to Reinstate Them"

The Wrap, December 15, 2019


Doug Eiderzen, December 15, 2019

(Discussion Number 34)

"A Major Point toward the Building of a Nation and the European American Time-Honored Traditions of Trust, Belief, and Faith"

Doug Eiderzen, November 14, 2019

(Discussion Number 33)

"How does Congress hear from anonymous witnesses? Trump whistleblower seeks protection from retaliation"

By Bart Jansen, USA Today, October 2, 2019

"Peter Wehner Has Damning Theory For Why Trump Supporters Won`t Turn On Him"

HuffPost, by Ed Mazza, 10-14-19


Doug Eiderzen, October 17, 2019

(Discussion Number 32)

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Speaks Directly To White Supremacists In Surprise Appeal" Freshman lawmaker has a message -- and a promise -- for anyone involved in hate groups.

Ed Mazza, HuffPost


Doug Eiderzen, October 3, 2019

(Discussion Number 31)

Part Three

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number Three-Education Part Three


Doug Eiderzen, September 4, 2019

(Discussion Number 30)

Part Three

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number Three-Education Part Two


Doug Eiderzen, August 1, 2019

(Discussion Number 29)

Part Three

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number Three-Education Part One


Doug Eiderzen, July 5, 2019

(Discussion Number 28)

Part Two

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number Two-Application


Doug Eiderzen, June 12, 2019

(Discussion Number 27)

Part One

Major Issues of Importance: Subject Number One-Our Leaders


Doug Eiderzen, May 12, 2019

(Discussion Number 26)

"FBI arrests leader of armed group stopping migrants in New Mexico"

By Andrew Hay, Reuters, April 20, 2019

"New Mexico County declares state of emergency over influx of migrants: report"

By Bradford Betz, Fox News

(I would like to highly recommend the resource news of wvwnews.net as this web location is part of the main website of europeanamericansunited.org. In regard to our culture and ethnicity, the European Americans United website is excellent to glean information from. Along with current and past news, the website has some wonderful educational and cultural programs for us.)


Doug Eiderzen, April 22, 2019

(Discussion Number 25)

"House passes broad anti-hate resolution after pressure from Omar allies"

By Christopher Wilson, Yahoo News, March 7, 2019

"House broadens anti-hate bill yet again"

By Lisa Mascaro and Laurie Kellman, Thursday, March 7, 2019

Doug Eiderzen, March 31, 2019

(Discussion Number 24)

"AAF`s reported payroll issues-why Colin Kaepernick was right to balk at league"


Charles Robinson, NFL columnist, Yahoo Sports, Feb 19, 2019

"LeBron James on NFL settlement: `I stand with Kaep"`


Ben Weinrib, Yahoo Sports, Feb 16, 2019

"Hillary Clinton blames gutting of Voting Rights Act for her 2016 loss"


Hunter Walker, White House Correspondent, Yahoo, March 3, 2019


Doug Eiderzen, March 12, 2019

(Discussion Number 23)

To my readers, I would like to highly recommend the resource news of wvwnews.net.

This web location is part of the main website of europeanamericansunited.org. In regard to our culture and ethnicity, the European Americans United website is excellent to glean information from. Along with current and past news, the website has some wonderful educational and cultural programs for us.

"21 Savage `wasn`t hiding` being British, feared deportation"

Associated Press, February 15, 2019


Doug Eiderzen, February 19, 2019

(Discussion Number 22)

"Joe Biden: White America `has to admit there`s still a systemic racism"`

John Verhovek, Good Morning America, January 21, 2019


Doug Eiderzen, February 2, 2019

(Discussion Number 21)

"John Kelly Is Sad Women Are No Longer `Sacred.` Women Are Not That Sad."

Emma Gray, HuffPost, October 19, 2017


Doug Eiderzen, January 15, 2019

(Discussion Number 20)

"To Our People and Our Leaders"

Doug Eiderzen, December 28, 2018

(Discussion Number 19)

"Major Points of Interest and Thoughts to Absorb"

Reference toward Part One and Part Two: "The Traditional Being of Pure Citizenry"


Doug Eiderzen, December 14, 2018

(Discussion Number 18)

"Part Two: The Traditional Being of Pure Citizenry"

Doug Eiderzen, November 24, 2018

(Discussion Number 17)

"Part One: The Traditional Being of Pure Citizenry"

Doug Eiderzen, November 5, 2018

(Discussion Number 16)

"A vote for a Democrat is a vote for..."

Doug Eiderzen, October, 15, 2018

(Discussion Number 15)

"Rep. Steve King touts `Western civilization` while defending incendiary immigration tweet"

By Gabby Kaufman

Yahoo News, March 13, 2017


Doug Eiderzen, October 5, 2018

(Discussion Number 14)

"Variations on a Theme, Disciplines of Life and Euro-Americaneuropeanism."

Doug Eiderzen, September 25, 2018

(Discussion Number 13)

`Don`t Use Mollie` To Push Racism, Says Dad Who Points To `Heartless` Donald Trump Jr.

Mary Papenfuss, HuffPost, September 2, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, September 4, 2018

(Discussion Number 12)

"Laura Ingraham slams `racist freak` and white nationalists after comments spark immigration controversy"

Chris Riotta, The Independent, August 10, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, August 17, 2018

(Discussion Number 11)

"Right-wing websites target New York Times` new writer over what they call `anti-white` tweets."`

Hope Schreiber, Writer, Yahoo Lifestyle, August 2, 2018

"Sarah Jeong: New York Times journalist who tweeted `cancel white people` is victim of `dishonest` trolls, claims former employer."

Jon Sharman, The Independent, August 3, 2018

"NY Times defends hiring reporter who mocked white people in tweets."

Daily Mail, August 2, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, August 5, 2018

(Discussion Number 10)

"`We`re in the midst of an all-out assault on human dignity`: Joe Biden"

Justin Doom, Good Morning America, July 21, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, July 24, 2018

(Discussion Number 9)

"Dershowitz calls out MSNBC host, talks about Martha Vineyard fallout"

By Lukas Mikelionis, Fox News

"Texas teen says he had drink thrown at him at Whataburger because he was wearing pro-Trump hat"

By Greg Norman, Fox News

"`F*** You Melanie`: Kathy Griffin Blasts `Complicit` Melania Trump For Family-Separating Immigration Statement"

By Benjamin Fearnow, Newsweek, June 17, 2018

"Peter Fonda Apologizes for `Highly Inappropriate` Barron Trump Tweet: `I Went Way Too Far"`

Trey Williams, The Wrap, June 20, 2018

"Michelle Wolf Urges People To Heckle Ivanka Trump In A Very Specific Way"

By Ed Mazza, HuffPost, July 1, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, July 10, 2018

(Discussion Number 8)

"European Disciplines of Life and Disciplines of Function"

Doug Eiderzen, June 28, 2018

(Discussion Number 7)

"Robert De Niro throws F-bombs at Trump during Tony Awards"

By Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News

"Parkland High School Students Get Standing Ovation at Tonys After Drama Teacher Honored (Video)"

The Wrap, By Jennifer Maas, June 10, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, June 15, 2018

(Discussion Number 6)

"Starbucks tells employees: Let anyone use the restroom"

Associated Press, May 11, 2018

"Handcuffing of 2 black men in Starbucks in Philadelphia called `reprehensible outcome` by CEO"

By M.L. Nestel, Apr 15, 2018

"Starbucks manager who made call resulting in black men`s arrests no longer works for company"

By Bill Hutchinson and Matthew Stone, Apr 16, 2018

"Howard Schultz says Starbucks manager showed her own `unconscious bias` -- and possibly `racial profiling"`

By Rachel Siegel April 18


Doug Eiderzen, June 7, 2018

(Discussion Number 5)

"A white woman called police on black people barbecuing. This is how the community responded"

CNN, May 22, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, May 28, 2018

(Discussion Number 4)

"Confederate statue toppled at North Carolina rally"

M.L. Mestel, Good Morning America, August 15, 2017

"Durham DA drops all charges in Confederate monument toppling case"

Alfred Charles, Online Managing Editor, February 20, 2018

"Judge Tells Durham GOP Why He Didn`t Convict Protesters Charged with Toppling a Confederate Monument"

Sarah Willets, March 9, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, May 10, 2018

(Discussion Number 3)

"Advertisers Ditching Laura Ingraham`s Show Over Attack On Parkland Survivor"

Hayley Miller, HuffPost, March 29, 2018

"March for Our Lives will `start a revolution,` Parkland school-shooting survivor says" By Mark Osborne, March 24, 2018


Doug Eiderzen, April 28, 2018

(Discussion Number 2)

"Matt Lauer may lose ownership of his farm amid sexual misconduct allegations" by Chelsea Ritschel and "Celebrities react to Matt Lauer`s firing amid sexual misconduct allegations" by Taryn Ryder, Writer, Yahoo Entertainment & Lifestyle
By Doug Eiderzen, April 13, 2018

(Discussion Number 1)

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